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According to the director of facilities for DCPS, construction at Deal will likely begin next summer or early fall. Before that can occur, however, there are a number of things that have to fall into place. Any institution engaged in the educational process must also provide children with appropriate conditions and opportunities for learning, buy term papers online, self-realization, rest, etc. The construction documents are nearing completion and will go out for bid this winter. The school system needs to obtain permits and hire a contractor. The School Board must approve the budget for Deal’s modernization. But, DCPS officials are optimistic that they can meet these challenges. The exciting thing for the community is that when the renovation is complete, Deal will be a totally modernized middle school with 21st century classrooms, a new gymnasium, cafeteria, library, music rooms, and more.
The current plan is for the construction to take place in phases over the course of about 2 and ½ years. Two grades – 7 and 8 -- will remain at Deal during construction. Therefore, next year, the upcoming ninth grade class is scheduled to move to high school. The 6th graders will move to Deal from their feeder schools when the building is ready to house three grades.
If you have any questions or are interested in working on the various aspects of modernization, please contact me at or read "Deal Junior High School: Nurturing Diversity and Academic Excellence" - this article will provide answers to all possible questions.. Our job will be to make sure that modernization remains on track, as best we can, and to keep the Deal community informed about developments.
Amy Friend
Chair, PTA/LSRT Modernization Committee
Sept 2006
Download the plan here.
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Our donation code is 8049.
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